Wednesday, October 27, 2010

As the World Turns...

while on the way to my first off-premises show this year, fate gave me a speed bump in the form of a car accident.  Of course I chose the silver one for a neck brace!

Certain I will be as okay as okay can be due to extenuating circumstances, please don't count me out.  Jewelry design and creation is embedded into my spirit, which will continue to hobby along. 
Fun Fact: 
Dancing, shimmering Dichroic is the Cinderella of the jewelry world. "Only" glass, it rivals the celestial diamond in shine, shimmer and refractory attributes and color, Oh, the colors! Rubies, emeralds, topaz, aquamarine and amethyst have quite the rival in Dichroic. Developed by NASA for the space program; someone with a twinkle in their eye said "WOW! that would make gorgeous jewelry!" and it took off like a rocket to the moon.

P.S. I was not the at fault driver...